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Comuníquese con nosotros

You may contact us toll-free at (888) 673-1808 from 8:30am - 5:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.

To report a lost or stolen Preferred Bank debit card, after hours, please call toll-free (888) 297-3416.

If you have questions regarding your Online Bill Payments, please call Bill Payment Support toll-free at (855) 322-6356 between the hours of 7:00 AM PST and 7:00 PM PST

At Preferred Bank, we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality of customer service. If you had a less than positive experience with us, we want to hear from you.

Please complete the information below to advise us of your issue/concern.

By using this method you will be sending information over the internet. Please be advised that we cannot assure the privacy of any information you are sending. Please do not include any personal account information, including account numbers, personal identification numbers, and balance information.

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